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Policies & Procedures

Licensing and Staff

We are licensed by Montgomery County and the Maryland State Department of Education. Lead teachers have a degree in Education. All staff members exceed the county and state educational requirements and are trained in CPR and First Aid.



  • Registration will be announced early in the year for the fall session.

  • Children with special needs are welcome and will be considered on an individual basis.

  • All children are expected to be fully potty trained, as we are not licensed to change diapers.

To register a child, the parent must submit a completed application form, $100 non-refundable registration fee and one month tuition deposit. We will charge only one registration fee per family, per year.  When enrolling twins, receive a 50% discount for the second child. No tuition deposits will be refunded after August 1.



  • Tuition is due by the 10th of each month.

  • Reminders of payment due will be sent out mid month, failure to respond will result in a $10 late fee.

  • Returned checks are subject to a $25 service charge.

  • Payments must be made by check or money order (NO CASH please).

  • Place payment in the box located in the main hallway.

Tuition is calculated by the average number of days per month and is due by the 10th of each month.  Tuition must be paid regardless of absences.  In the event of an extended time away, tuition must be paid in order to assure that your child will have a space in their class when you return.


Non-Discrimination Policy

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, sex or national origin in admissions.


Visitation Policy 

DCPM maintains an open door policy. We are here to serve our community and we invite people to make an appointment to visit. Children may not bring other children to visit school; our insurance only covers children enrolled in our program.


School Records

Each child attending DCPM will be issued a file containing registration forms, medical records, conference sheets and additional information about the child. These records will be retained for two years and will only be released with the parents’ permission.


Child Abuse

Anyone on DCPM staff who has a reason to believe that a child has been abused is required to report it promptly.


Discipline Procedures

One of our goals is to develop the ability for each child to develop the ability to function positively within a group. In order to accomplish this, certain behaviors will not be allowed. We cannot allow any child to hurt another child or cause damage to property. We will use love and guidance when dealing with a child who has gone beyond the established limits. We desire to work with parents to encourage proper behavior.


We will use the following procedures when correcting a child:

  • Children will be instructed as to acceptable behavior when they enter our program.

  • When a child deliberately defies directions, hurts another child, or destroys property, they will sit in a chair away from the group.

  • The child will be allowed to re-enter the group after being counseled by a member of our teaching staff as to future desired behavior.

  • A conference will be scheduled if a child shows a pattern of disobedience.

  • Parents will be informed if there is a serious misbehavior on the part of their child.

  • We reserve the right to drop from enrollment any child who consistently exhibits negative behavior or when it is deemed in the best interest of DCPM 


Arrival and Dismissal

  • Parents are requested to drop off and pick up their children promptly at the posted time.

  • Parents will escort their child to the classroom. Their teacher will welcome them to their class as well as give them any assistance needed with bookbags, lunches, coats, etc. 

  • You must be PROMPT at pick up time!  

  • Our doors will be locked 10 minutes after dismissal and you will be expected to pay a $10.00 fine per event for tardiness exceeding 10 minutes.

  • If something unforeseen prevents prompt pick up- PLEASE CALL.

Only parents, or an individual designated by the parent, will be allowed to pick up children at school. Anyone having a custody dispute or potentially difficult situation involving your child must bring this to the director’s attention immediately.  ​



  • We recommend comfortable play clothes that are washable and easy for the child to manage independently.

  • We provide art smocks and change of clothes when necessary.

  • Children do often get dirty during craft, snack and in our sandbox!

  • Dress your child appropriately for outside play.

  • Comfortable shoes for running and climbing are essential (boots and slip on shoes hinder many gross motor activities.)

  • Limit the accessories as it is easy for them to get lost.

  • Please label jackets, etc.

  • Mittens, please. NO Gloves!!!


Snow Policy

DCPM will be closed when Montgomery County Public Schools are closed. DCPM will also be closed when MCPS has announced a delayed opening. In the event that MCPS announces an early release, DCPM will dismiss at 12:00 pm. DCPM will send out an e-mail to all families with weather related updates as soon as we are advised.


No Screen Time Policy

Our philosophy is "hands-on" and the needs of our students are best served by exploring the world around them. Children learn best by doing. It is our opinion that at this developmental level children have more than ample screen time outside of the classroom.​


Field Trips

  • We believe that field trips broaden the child’s horizons and are a valuable experience.

  • Details will be outlined in the weekly email sent out by your child's teacher.

  • Parents are expected to drive their children and supervise them during our scheduled trips.

  • We limit our field trips because they are logistically complicated.

  • During the year we invite community helpers into our classrooms.

  • DCPM staff cannot take children in their personal vehicles, with the exception of family members.


Parent Teacher Conferences

Conferences will be scheduled in January. Parents will have an opportunity to discuss their child's development and progress with their teacher.  There are no regular classes during conferences. 


Communication Board

Check the Communication Board (just inside our doors) it contains a variety of sign-ups and other information.

To be well informed, you must read weekly email updates and the the monthly calendar.


School Supplies

  • DCPM will provide craft items and book bags.

  • Please use the book bags we have provided. 

  • Anyone wishing to make a donation can contribute any Lysol or Clorox products, hand soap or boxes of tissues.



We love birthdays! We will make every effort to make your child feel special on their day. Teachers will schedule the day for birthday celebrations. We can only accept store purchased treats. 

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