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Health & Safety

Each child must have all required medical forms, completed and signed by your health care provider, on file before attending school.

Lead screening requires your doctor's signature.

Please provide the school with documentation of any additional immunizations that your child receives.


  • A child may not come to school with a fever, rash, diarrhea, a runny nose or any contagious illness. 

  • A child should be symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school.

  • Please inform us if your child will be absent.

  • If a child becomes sick at school, the parent will be contacted and expected to pick up the child immediately.

  • In an emergency the Rescue Squad will be called and a DCPM staff member will accompany your child to the hospital.


Food Allergies

  • Due to the increased number of dietary restrictions and food allergies, each parent must provide lunch/snack for their child. Each day parents must send in a reasonable portion of a healthy food for their child. 

  • ​Children with an Epi Pen or inhaler must have an Emergency Action Plan, signed by their doctor on file in the DCPM office.


Safety Procedures

  • We desire to have a safe environment.

  • Our doors are locked during class sessions and access is computer monitored.

  • Our staff is trained in first aid and CPR.

  • Your cooperation will assist us in maintaining a safe environment.

  • Please report any unsafe practices to the Director.

  • Escort children to the classroom and make sure that the teacher is aware of their presence.

  • Hold hands in the parking lot at all times.

  • Never leave a child unattended in a car.

  • Never leave your car running unattended.

  • Park only in designated spots.


  • DCPM staff are not insured and cannot transport children in their personal vehicle.(The only exception to this policy is regarding family members).

  • Do not send guns, weapons or violent toys to school at any time. Send in only the items specifically requested. 




  • Our playground is designed specifically for early childhood.

  • We have no pressure treated lumber, which is suspected of leaching arsenic into surrounding soil.

  • All of our mulch is made of ground rubber tires which is much cleaner and is a healthier alternative for those who suffer from asthma and allergies.


Safety Procedures

We feel that it is expedient for us to be prepared to keep children at DCPM for an extended period of time should an emergency arise. We need your help to be prepared for such an event. We are asking that each child have a sweat suit (easy to change into & can double as pajamas) and a change of socks and underwear. Due to space constraints for storage, we ask that you only place these listed items a ziplock bag labeled with your child’s name and class. (a love note or a family picture may be enclosed).


Shelter at our facility
This plan would be put into place due to weather emergency, unsafe outside conditions or a threat. Children would be moved downstairs to an inside room without windows, all doors locked and entry would be restricted.

Evacuation to another site:
This plan would be put into place in the event that it is not safe to remain at school.  In this situation we have 2 predetermined alternate sites for care.  The choice of site is determined by the specific emergency and which site is most appropriate  

Method to contact parents:
In the event of an emergency, parents will receive a text, or phone call, a note will be place on our door, TV and radio stations will be alerted.  When the emergency ends, parents will be contacted and reunited with their children as soon as possible.

Code Red

  • Code Red is an alert status that indicates imminent danger exists to all staff and students.

  • During a Code Red, staff and students will remain within a secured area.

  • Staff will secure the immediate area and account for all students.

  • Students will be kept away from windows and doors.


Code Blue

  • This is a term used to alert staff that an emergency or crisis exists at or near our facility.

  • It requires all students to be accounted for and supervised inside of the building.


In the event of an emergency, parents will be notified through e-mail, phone call or through local television or radio news. Regardless of the circumstances a child will always be released to their parents or a designated adult.

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